
The Impact of Unresolved Grief on Mental Health: What You Need to Know

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Whether you had to experience a life-altering event such as a loss of a partner or child or your life suddenly changed for the worse because you got divorced or were fired, it is essential to avoid getting stuck in the negative emotions caused by these circumstances or you risk dealing with unresolved grief for many months and even years to come.

In our guide we will elaborate on the mental health impact of unresolved grief, discuss whether grief can lead to other medical conditions, and emphasize the importance of self-care and therapy to combat grief long-term.

How Unresolved Grief Manifests in Mental Health

It is a very human thing to feel sadness after going through a traumatic event; unfortunately, if the heaviness in your chest is not leaving you, you may deal with unresolved grief. This is a form of grief that continues to affect the individual long after the damage was inflicted – unresolved grief and mental health are intertwined.

There is no specific cause of unresolved grief – this issue is complicated just like the circumstances that lead to it. You are at risk of feeling grief if you lost someone you were close with, survived a serious accident such as a car crash, or ended a relationship with a partner or friend without processing it properly. There is a saying, “Time heals everything,” but you cannot be passively waiting for recovery – find the strength to act quickly and avoid further complications grief can trigger in both mind and body.

Physical Symptoms Linked to Unresolved Grief

Tightness in ChestIt is difficult to pinpoint the reason why your chest feels heavy but whatever the issue is, you should go to a doctor – it may be a sign of a deeper mental and even physical health problem

Negative feelings you are experiencing can certainly cause you to feel on the edge of vomiting – whether you feel more agitated after a triggering event happens or this has become a regular occurrence to you after a while, it is important to pay attention to this symptom

Constant exhaustion especially if you had eight hours of sleep or rested during the day can be one of the long-term grief effects on your body – do not ignore soreness and weakness in your muscles

Psychological Effects of Prolonged Grief on Mental Health


This is an unfortunate consequence of a traumatic event that manifests in people who were able to survive or leave unscathed while others were injured or died. You may feel you did not deserve to be unharmed and have remorse for alleged inaction that did not allow you to save or protect another person, whether they were someone you know well or a complete stranger

Intrusive Thoughts
Your mind is undergoing immense stress when you are grieving without anything to relieve the pain; in the aftermath of a life-changing event, you may see distressing images in your head, have unwelcome thoughts that upset you, and even get obsessed with violent ideas and notions

Self-Inflicted Isolation
A person who tries to cope with grief often finds less effective ways to address the issue, and a regular occurrence is the decision of the individual to cut all ties with the world and stay away even from their loved ones. Feeling numb, empty, and anxious is already hard – do not deprive yourself of the human company to eventually heal

Common Mental Health Disorders Related to Unresolved Grief


Anxiety is caused by a variety of factors, and grief is one of them. If you feel worried, agitated, or fearful and there is a permanent sadness in your mind, you need to address the root of the matter otherwise you risk developing further mental health issues

If the grief is the result of a traumatic experience, it is likely you will develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – this is common when the grieving process is cut short due to you reliving the unfortunate events that happened to you or someone close to you over and over again in your mind

When you are coping with negative feelings such as grief, there is nothing wrong with mourning and taking some time for yourself to reflect on the past and plan for the future; however, the emotional impact of unresolved grief often leads to severe depression, social isolation, and numbness

Long-Term Consequences of Ignoring Unresolved Grief

Apart from the mental disorders we described earlier in the article, there are numerous long-term grief effects a person with such an issue may develop:

  • Whether you are sleeping all day trying to avoid all communication, not sleeping enough to feel energetic and fresh in the morning, or laying awake for hours not able to sleep, sleep disturbances are rather frequent in individuals who are still grieving.
  • From the inability to concentrate on studies and work to a lack of focus behind the wheel – there are many cognitive impairments caused by grief. Moreover, if the grief is the result of a tragic incident, a person may feel too scared to act in a similar situation questioning their decisions constantly.
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  • Suicidal thoughts, sadly, are one of the most common consequences a person may suffer from if the grief they carry in their heart is not addressed properly. Even if you are only visualizing the idea of ending your life or thinking others would have a better life without you, do not delay a visit to a therapist – do not let these emotions turn into actions.

Strategies to Process and Heal Unresolved Grief


Create a Safe Space for Yourself
It is important to exhale once in a while and know that after a long day you can get back to your comfort zone – rely on it when you are processing your grief. You can surround yourself with things that bring you peace, meditate, do yoga, or practice aromatherapy – as long as you find a way to lessen the effects of unresolved grief, no matter how long it takes, you are going in the right direction to 

Stick to a Healthy Routine
Whether you decide to take care of your nutrition, exercise every day to improve your mood, come up with a sleep routine that works for you, or write down a schedule at the beginning of the day to know what is ahead of you and what tasks must be prioritised, all these practices will get you back on track and get you closer to your professional and personal goals

Trust People Around You
It is challenging to open up to others, even your family and friends, when you feel alone in your grief, isolated and misunderstood. Put faith in people who love you – let them see you in a vulnerable state, forget about shame and fear, and build a stronger connection with your inner circle

Go to Therapy
There is no universal answer to the question, “Do I need therapy?”, you have to decide for yourself. But if the grief you were unable to process on your own is not going anywhere and it has started interfering with your professional and personal affairs, consider helping yourself by booking the first session with a therapist equipped to support people in your situation

When to Seek Professional Help for Grief Management

Although there is no universal advice for people who need to manage their grief – and, naturally, you will be the person who makes the final decision – there are a few reasons to seek counseling. The connection between unresolved grief and mental health is profound – if you experienced the psychological and physical symptoms we listed above, your family, friends, or coworkers suggested therapy because your behavior does not seem normal to them, or you personally felt how unresolved feelings have impacted your life, it may be time to talk to a therapist.

Remember that it is your choice whether to commit to therapy or drop out after a few sessions; still, processing grief all alone or giving up on improving your daily mood after a while is not the smartest strategy so we highly recommend you to go to a therapist if only to be able to speak freely during a session and see the emotions accumulated in your mind.

Moving Forward From Unresolved Grief

Even if the pain feels overwhelming now, there is always a possibility to heal. Unresolved grief is one of the biggest challenges an individual can go through, and in many instances, they feel forced to do it in isolation since no one can possibly understand their trauma. This is not true – you can be helped and supported, do not give up on yourself, and build a happier future.

If someone you care about is healing from a traumatic event, make sure you support them and help them address their grief and mental health issues arising from it – do not leave the person in question alone with their troubles and advise them to seek therapy as soon as possible.

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FAQs on Unresolved Grief

  1. Is there a connection between unresolved grief and mental health as a whole?

Yes, grief can severly affect your mental state with consequences not always visible at first – do not neglect your mental health after you go through an incident or loss.

  1. How does unresolved grief impact the person’s mental wellness?

From feeling empty and tired for no apparent reason to depression – the repercussions of grief can be challenging no matter how strong and resilient you are.

  1. Can grief cause physical health issues?

Apart from affecting the person’s mind, grief also attacks their body – nausea, migraines, and heart diseases are just a few problems someone who cannot manage their grief may face in the present and the future.

  1. What are the practices I can implement to cope with grief?

Healing is possible no matter how down you feel at the moment – commit to self-care practices, give yourself time to grieve whether you need to cry or scream, and reach out to other people willing to hear you out and help you in your plight.

  1. Do I need therapy to deal with unresolved grief?

In case you feel all other strategies failed or your emotional pain is too strong to bear, do not postpone a visit to a therapist – counseling may be the solution you are looking for.

More To Explore

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